China Courier Service

Parcel Delivery to China

Post Your Parcel To China

Working with some of the best and mose reliable courier companies, offers the widest range of low cost courier services to China. work with the best couriers including TNTFedExDHL, and UPS, to ensure you get the best courier services at the best price, all in one place.

Cheap Parcel Delivery & Reliable Couriers

At ParcelDirect, we provide you with the most suitable and reliable courier services to China. For small businesses, the Chinese market is growing rapidly, and a reliable shipping service can open your business up to a huge new market. 

Working with some of the biggest and best global and Europens partners, we can ensure our customers get the best range of delivery services and prices to China.



  • Easy Online Booking
  • Just Click, Pay and Ship
  • Door To Door with FREE Collection
  • New Parcel Drop Off with Local
  • Detailed Online Parcel Tracking

How Do I Send A Parcel To China?

  • Simply Enter The Size & Weight Of Your Parcel

  • Click Get A Quote

  • Choose From Our Great Low-Cost Shipping Options

  • Have your Parcel Collected Or Drop It Off At A Local Store

  • That's It, All Done. It's Easy With ParcelDirect

How To Prepare Your Shipment For China

With ParcelDirect, we provide all the information you need to prepare your shipment for delivery to China. Check out our Packing Tips Pages for lots of great tips to help 


How To Track Your Parcel To China

Keep an eye on your parcel shipping with our Online Parcel Tracking Tool and see exactly where your parcel is and when it will arrive.

More Helpful Shipping Information

Sending Documents To China

ParcelDirect knows the importance of getting your business documents to China as fast and as safe as possible. We work with the best partners to ensure this happens everytime. Choose from DHL, TNT, UPS or FedEx.


Pallet Delivery To and From China

Need a pallet collected from or delivered to China? No problem with our super fast, cost effective and reliable Pallet Delivery Service. Just book online and sit back and relax as the courier calls to your door to pick up the shipments.


Student Shipping From Ireland To China

Are you visiting from China to study at college or university in Ireland? ParcelDirect provide great student shipping services at the best prices. Travel light and relax as your parcels are delivered safely. Check out our great Student Shipping now.

Shipping From China To Ireland

Have you bought something online in the China and need it shipped home? or did you leave something behind when you visited? No problem, we have a great import service from the China. Just enter the details and choose from a great range of cost effective parcel delivery services at


China Customs Clearance & Prohibited Items

Customs clearance is easy with During the booking process you will be taken through the process step by step and all your commercial invoices will be included with your shipping labels. If you need any help please get in touch with a member of our team, who will be glad to help with your parcel shipping needs.


We also recommend checking out the prohibited items before sending your parcel to China