Express Courier to Pakistan

Cheap Parcel Delivery To Pakistan

Send Your Post To Pakistan

If you need to send a parcel to Pakistan, Parce lDirect can help. We provide the biggest selection of reliable, cost effective courier services to Pakistan. We will make sure your parcel is delivered safely and at the best price with our logistics partners, including TNTUPSDHL, or FedEx.

Is there customs when sending parcels from Ireland to Pakistan?

Your parcels will go through customs when you send from Ireland to Pakistan. That means you’ll need to attach a customs paperwork to your parcel 

Parcel Direct make this easy for you, and will create all your customs documents when you are making your booking. Simply print them off and that's it, all done!

  • Easy & Fast Online Booking
  • Just Click, Pay and Ship
  • Door To Door with FREE Collection
  • Parcel Drop Off with Parcel Direct Local
  • Detailed Online Parcel Tracking

How Do I Send A Parcel To Pakistan?

  • Simply Enter The Size & Weight Of Your Parcel

  • Click Get A Quote

  • Choose From Our Great Low-Cost Shipping Options

  • Have your Parcel Collected Or Drop It Off At A Local Store

  • That's It, All Done. It's Easy With Parcel Direct

How To Prepare Your Shipment For Pakistan

With Parcel Direct, we provide all the information you need to prepare your delivery in the best way possible. We have lots of great advice on our Packing Tips Pages.

Track Your Parcel To Pakistan

Keep an eye on your parcel to Pakistan with our live Online Parcel Tracking Tool and see exactly where your parcel is and when it will arrive.